Jan 22, 2012

Week 2 - Reflections

Week 2 was a handful so one might not know where to start and might be afraid of missing to write something.
But I will try to recollect everything.
First task during this week was Web searching and as I described in my post on Nicenet all of the search engines listed at http://www.noodletools.com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine.html  are, if nothing, worth investigating and some of them might prove quite rewarding and they might bring something that Google failed to present as relevant, as was the case with the site found on Intute (www.nonstopenglish.com), because it was not offered by Google although the search topic was the same. So benefits are definitely there but they need to be explored and found.

Second, we had to make an objective which we would see through in a certain class using ABCD style (Audience-Behavior-Condition-Degree).
I certainly hope that my ABCD style plan is OK and I will share it here with you as well, besides Nicenet, and I will color it as seen on http://ets.tlt.psu.edu/learningdesign/objectives/writingobjectives/

Given the definition on perfect tenses and sentences with auxiliary verbs have, has, had and will have and with the main verb standing in the brackets in the infinitive form(C), the students(A) will be able to put the verb from the brackets in the past participle form and after that observing the auxiliary verb determine which perfect tense are we reviewing, present, past or future(B), without making 4 mistakes out of 24 sentences(D).

Third task was to describe one class where we teach and how it would benefit from making a technology-inspired change and we had to describe our students and class setting, and also to list the technology we and our students have access to now, both in and outside of school. 

For this task I described a class of medical technicians (nurses) as you can see on Nicenet under the topic Week 2: Final Project - Describe a Class.

Having listed all tasks correctly, hopefully, I can say that this course will definitely bring a lot of positives to us teachers and through us to our students, since it tries to utilize computer technology as a tool for teaching English which is great because it might prove to be an excellent and above all efficient way of teaching.
Having completed the reflective blog on Week 2 as the final task of this week, I am looking forward to the next week and its challenges.


  1. It's a great blog! Well oraganized, well designed, and put this week's learning in order so that we can wrap up what we learned this week. I agree with you about what we've learned will make our teaching more efficient and more advanced with using web which has infinitive possibilities. I'm glad we can move forward.

  2. Dear davorsmolic thanks very much for this great post.
    I have read what your write about week two tasks and you have list most of what we have learn this week.

    I agree with Kaori that "what we've learned will make our teaching more efficient and more advanced with using web which has infinitive possibilities".

    Also I want to thank you for telling as bout this site: http://www.nonstopenglish.com/ because for me personaly I am working on developing my English and I think it will be usfull also for others to use this site in there class to enhance there student result.

    Best Regards,

  3. I like the images! Good one!
    One technical question, how do you make the links you put in your post turn blue so I can just click on it? I have tried but failed...

    1. Melissa, first forgive me for not replying sooner.
      Second, when creating a blog you should have a "link" button in the toolbar and you simply mark the text and then press the "link" button in the toolbar and it instantly turns blue and becomes underlined and if you have marked the text correctly, then whoever visits your blog can now click on that piece of highlighted text(link) and go directly to that web address.
      I hope that I have explained it successfully, if not contact me again. Bye

  4. Hello Davor,
    I really like your reflection for Week 2.This week was so handful, but we have learned many useful things. I also agree with you about that this course will bring a lot of positives to us and to our students. And I also think that the tech is a useful tool for learning and teaching English.

    Best regards,

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